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Los Ranchitos Estates
Homeowner Association Website

HOA Waste Disposal Page
Chair: Stuart Graber
The Waste Disposal Committee shall be responsible for negotiating the waste disposal contract, maintenance and dispensing of dumpster lock keys

There are 3 Dumpsters located on the West Entrance of our HOA (the closest entrance to Durango). Two of these are dedicated to Recycling while the other bin is solely for garbage.
REMINDER: DO NOT put plastic bags or glass in the Recycling bins. Also, furniture, landscape materials, appliances, construction debris and other like items should not be placed in the Garbage OR Recycle bins. When placing recyclables into the bin(s), please break down all cardboard boxes and lie them flat as far away from the bin door as you can.
Thank you... The Management!
Dumpster Pickup Days
Garbage Bin: Every Mon & Thur
Both Recycle Bins: Every other Wed
Recycle Bin
Please be aware of the items that are allowed and not allowed in the recycle bins. Click the following links.
Acceptable Items
Click Here
Recyclable items include cardboard, paperboard, mixed paper, newspapers, catalogs, phone books, paperback books, paper bags, plastic bottles/tubs/containers labeled #1 through #7, tin cans, aluminum cans, foil, and pie plates.
Click Here to read
Bob Eppinger's Analysis regarding Recycling
NON-Acceptable Items
Click Here
NON-recyclable items include glass, any type of plastic bags, plastic bubble wrap, styrofoam in any form and any wood products. Fluorescent bulbs, batteries, and electronics are also not allowed (Click Here to find out where to recycle these items). When you place any of these items in the recycle container, there's a great possibility that the ENTIRE LOAD will be rejected at the recycle center and discarded as trash.
City of Durango Recycling Center
(790 Tech Center Dr, Durango)
Click Here for their website
Save glass bottles and take them to the Durango Recycle Center. They can be dropped off for free at the self-service glass chute. They DO NOT accept window pane glass, glass dishes, ceramics, etc. (just glass bottles/jars WITHOUT lids/caps).
Many kinds of scrap metal, including appliances can be brought to Recla Metals (33399 US Highway 160, Durango 81301)
Click Here to be redirected to
Recla Metals Website
Other Options for disposing of Non-Acceptable Items
Durango Transfer Station
790 Tech Center Dr., Durango [adjacent to the recycle center]
Click Here for Info
Bayfield Transfer Station
4012 Co Rd 223, Bayfield
Note: Only Yard Waste!
Click Here for Info
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